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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Great Toy Race

I have developed a new game around my house. It is called The Great Toy Race. I have been trying to get my two babies to put their own toys away and keep them out of our living room. So in my infinite wisdom, I decided to make cleaning up more of a game than a chore.

The Rules ---

Mommy says "Ready, Set, Go" and then Kira and Marisa race to pick up one toy and take it and put it away.

The Result ---

Now Kira begs to play The Toy Race. Marisa, of course, just runs around during this race because she is not yet 2 years old and rarely manages to get a toy before Kira is back for the next round. They both have a great deal of fun doing this, though. And most of their toys get moved back into the toy room without much effort from me. The toys are not necessarily put in the toy box, but we can work on that later.