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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brilliant Technique

There comes a time in every parent's life - even mine - when it is necessary to sit back and revel in the cleverness of another parent.

Today, I went visiting over to one of my newly added Sites to See - We're THAT Family.

I was confronted with my moment. The moment when I find myself bowing to the obvious parenting intelligence that can be found in Kristen's post.

Kristen may have developed the best form of discipline EVER. I'm not going to tell you about it, though. You have to go read for yourself. Suffice it to say that I am very, very impressed with her ingenuity.

Oh yeah - make sure you aren't trying to eat or drink anything when you go read her post. Consider yourself fairly warned.


Anonymous said...

just ... eeewwww

funny, but gross.

Mom said...

I thought you might like that one, mouse.

Petula said...

I'm going to head over there in a minute, but I have to finish my Cheez-Its first! ;-)

Oh, yes, you're safe from me showing up on your doorstep. Well, at least for now! LOL.

Anonymous said...

ok this is just a riot! It would be something I would say to my kid! LoL
Funny stuff, thanks for sharing with us.