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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Give the Cat a Bath

Do you own a cat? We have four cats. Lately, they all are lacking in freshness. They all need baths. I actually managed to bathe one of them in the tub before I wrote this article. That experience of tub bathing inspired me to come up with this new idea on how to bathe the cat.

Here is an amusing article that you should visit if you own, or plan to own, a cat.

Bathing cats can be one of the most difficult tasks that a cat owner has. And yet there are times when the cat just has to have a bath.

"Give the cat a bath." is a humorous article that might solve your problem. Though only you can decide if you wish to attempt this particular method. Mostly, you'll just laugh at the visual.


Texasholly said...

Oh how I have given cats baths. UGH. We used to have three and one was long haired and didn't clean herself well...which required regular bathing. And that whole "madder then a wet cat" saying is true. it true!