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Friday, December 19, 2008

More Shoe Boxes

Do you remember the shoe boxes that I discussed previously in my medicine cabinet post? Well, as I clearly stated, those shoe boxes quickly began to multiply. When I realized just how well the shoe box system worked for my medicine, I found that my household supplies might just benefit from this new method, too.

With this new idea swirling in my brain, I started making another list. Here's how the list went:

Light Bulbs

So, with my list in hand I headed out to the store again. More boxes found their way into my car. Wonder how that happened? Hmm.

After I got home, I sorted out all the stuff and set my newly organized boxes up in the closet with my other boxes. This was beginning to look good. Now, I could easily see what I needed to buy just by looking at my boxes. All those people in the house that never knew where to find anything at all - well, their excuses went down the drain in a matter of just a few short hours.


A few days later, I decided that this entire process could really turn into something amazing. I looked around my house and thought to myself, "What can I do with this?" It occurred to me that I had way too many art supplies and nowhere to put them.

"Aha!" My next project was born. I sat down and made a new list.

Pipe Cleaners
Pom Poms
---You get the idea, right?

Out to the store I go again. More boxes found their way into my car. Wonder how that happened? Hmm.

So I come home and sort out all the art supplies and label all the boxes. These boxes go in a cabinet in the kitchen down low enough for little people to get to them easily. After all, this is the stuff for them.

Of course, my satisfaction was short lived. After we moved, I discovered that there were other areas that could benefit from my newly developed obsession - ahem, method!

My scrapbooking supplies! Eureka!

Off to the store again. More boxes found their way into my car. Wonder how that happened? Hmm.

Okay! At this point my husband begins to notice that something serious is going on. When I send him to the car - ahem, ask him nicely to go to the car - to get my boxes, he returns and comments that he has never known anybody who had such an affection for small plastic boxes as I do. I told him to just nod and smile - which he did - and took my boxes. I sat down and sorted out all my scrapbooking supplies by color. Then I put those in my art room.

Now, I've done about all I can do. There's nothing else that will fit into those plastic shoe boxes. It just won't work. I guess my obsession is over - or at least curbed for a time.