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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rev Up the Prayer Circle

I just received a call from Michael.

Mindy went into the hospital on Monday. She's started to dilate.

The cerclage is still intact, but the doctors are concerned about the dilation.

She is currently 23 1/2 weeks pregnant.

They are giving her steroids to help the baby's lungs develop and other medications to prevent her from dilating any further.

Pray Pray Pray


Michelle said...

She's got my prayers. I hope this young lady will be okay and hold off on her delivery. Scary stuff.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, I will pray for Mindy that she will have a safe and normal delivery. God will protect her and take care of her every step of the way in her pregnancy and delivery. Thanks for the post. God bless.

Sandi said...

my prayers are with her.