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Monday, April 20, 2009

Stock Up

Marisa isn't feeling well today. I'm not real sure why, but she has a slight fever and is being particularly pitiful. I'm guessing it's a tummy bug or perhaps even her molars coming in. She may have a bit of a sinus issue going on with the pollen and all.

It seems like a good time to evaluate the contents of my medicine cabinet. It's important that parents keep their cabinet (or boxes, in my case) adequately stocked with whatever you may need. It would be far better than requiring a late night run to the store in order to acquire what your child's illness needs.

There are a few items that you need to keep on hand for those "just in case" moments.

1) Tylenol - Whatever level of Tylenol your child's age requires is necessary. The age and size of your child will determine what you need. You may even need to keep multiple types of Tylenol if you have multiple children.

2) Motrin - The same as above...

3) Cough medicine - Incidentally, I recommend the Kroger store brand cough medicine. I've found that it works the best. However, there are many brands to choose from. It's always a good idea to check with your child's doctor to determine what to keep on hand. Again, your child's age will determine what you may need to keep.

4) Band-Aids - Every clever parent knows the value of a well placed Band-Aid. Keep lots of them on hand in various shapes, sizes, and characters.

This list is fairly small, but it does encompass the basic necessities. Your own family will dictate what you may need. Be sure to review the contents of your cabinet regularly to replace whatever you may be running low on or whatever has expired.

Oh - and you might keep a few Aspirin or other pain reliever on hand for yourself...


The Mind of a Mom said...

Something we have here that is amazing is you can take your old meds into the pharmacy and they will discard of them properly! So if your cabinet has outdated items do not use them find a program that will dispose of them safely! We just did ours

Unknown said...

Good advice I haven't checked mine in a while.

Another good tip is don't blog in the dark I've had to retype that sentence 3 times cause I take my hand's off the key board to move the mouse and hit the wrong keys LOL.

The Mother said...


In Texas, you can no longer just BUY decongestants. You have to sign your life away, and you can only buy a set amount per month.

And since I have four kids, who ALL have colds at the same time, ONE package isn't enough when things go South.

So I stock up. I buy one a month when they're on sale, until I have a six month supply.

'Cause as soon as one of the kids catches a cold, we're gonna rip through it. Then I have to start all over.