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Friday, May 1, 2009

Random Act of Kindness Day

In honor of Marisa's birthday, I would like to declare this the Random Act of Kindness Day. You see, I have the most amazing power to make such declarations and have them become law. (Just allow me my delusions, okay.)

Today I would like all of my readers to perform at least one random act of kindness in honor of my baby girl's birthday. For those of you without inspiration, I've listed a few options.

1) Feed the stray cats that you would normally ignore. (If you're like me, you don't normally ignore the poor stray kitties, but sometimes there are those who are afraid to feed them because they just might keep coming back...)

2) Clean up your street, a parking lot, or a park. Take the kids along for this one. Be sure to tell them you're doing this for Marisa's birthday, of course. Grab a few trash bags and pick up the random bits of garbage.

3) Feed the birds.

4) Bake cookies for the local fire department and take them to the fire fighters while the cookies are still warm from the oven.

5) Pull weeds from the neighbor's yard. (Just be sure it is actually weeds you're pulling...)

6) Watch a neighbor's kids so they can go out on a date. Do it for free - no charge.

This is just a few ideas. The world is filled with possibilities for kindness. Be sure to have fun and sing Happy Birthday to Marisa while you're out doing your good deeds.

Thank you so much for celebrating with us.


The Mind of a Mom said...

My kindess was to not call the SPCA and have the dog that bit my hand and his owner charged. :o)
Happy Birthday Marisa

BK said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Marisa. Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

I will keep an eye out for a random act that I can do but today I'll be home most of the day. So there might not be a lot of opportunity.