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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Many of you may realize that parenting is a continual process of learning and adjusting. I was once asked how I know so much about parenting and feel that I am qualified to give any kind of advice on the topic. I explained to that person that part of my reasoning was simple experience. Having four children of various ages, all with their own special issues, has given me a very wide range of experience. The other thing that I do is read. I read just about anything and everything I can find on the topic of parenting. When there is a new book of ideas, I will read it. Magazines - I read them. Blogs - I read those, too. I try different techniques and tips. I use a variety of entertainment options. I share what works (and sometimes even what doesn't, if the theory is sound because children are all different).

If you want to increase your knowledge and your arsenal, I would encourage you to read frequently on the topic of parenting. Even if the book or magazine is something that is not quite along the lines of your standard reading material, you may be able to glean something useful from the writing.


Website Design said...

Reading is a great way to increase knowledge on any subject and yeah one does learn a lot from experience.

Sourav said...

Its a tough but lovely responsibility.
Making your kids able in life...
Making your kids good in nature...
bla bla bla......


Petula said...

You're definitely right about that. I enjoy reading information and getting some from other moms to try out. Sometimes I try, sometimes I don't. It's often the parenting fellowship that makes it wonderful too! :)