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Monday, February 22, 2010

Packing a Diaper Bag

First, start with a small diaper bag. Smaller is better because it is easier to organize and find things in a smaller bag. Larger bags allow too much room for your essentials to get lost.

Second, know what you really need. If you will be away from your home for less than 6 hours, you will need minimal supplies. For an infant you will need about 5 diapers and a small pack of wipes. You will also need one or two bottles for feeding, depending on the age of your child and whether you are breastfeeding or not. The best way to carry formula on the go is in powder form. If you carry one bottle with clean water measured to the appropriate amount and one container with the right amount of powder for two feedings, you will be set for the day. You can get fresh water along the way for the second bottle, or you can carry extra water with you.

Third, you should carry a change of clothes for the baby.

Fourth, you can opt to bring a toy along. It isn’t necessary to bring toys in your bag, but you may choose to add one. Most babies can be easily entertained by simply watching the world around them.

Fifth, consider packing a snack for yourself or your older child. This doesn’t have to be big or take up much space and may well provide you with a much needed treat later in the day.

The original article in its entirety can be read here.


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