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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is special, so I'm celebrating.

For the party, I have chosen a beautiful cake.

But what's a birthday party without balloons? We all need birthday balloons.

So I chose these.

Now - that's a party.

Oh wait, there needs to be a few presents, too. Everybody needs presents on their birthday.


Now - we have cake, balloons, and presents.  My party is complete. 

Wish you were here to enjoy this day with me. Instead, I'm pawning the kids off on the Grandma and taking a day off to enjoy MY birthday. (Bet you thought this was about one of those pesky monsters that didn't want to go to bed tonight.... ) Today, I turn 36!


Petula said...

Your decorations are beautiful! Sounds fun...

Mommy Kennedy said...

Happy Birthday! I love your little online party! Very creative.

JENIE=) said...

happy birthday! yeah, you got me there, i thought it's not ur's to have. ;) great idea. have fun!

i have sad news, i lost my PR's in 3 of my 4 blogs and so cleaning up my blogroll for unreciprocated hoping you can finally link them here?

let me know,please. thanks.

Mom said...


Reciprocal links lower your PR.

Also, I only link to blogs that are of relevance to me.

Thank you for the offer, though.

John | Daily Photo Gallery said...

I hope you had a great day. I'm not 36 until August :-)

Anita said...

Don't know how I stumbled upon your blog...
Happy Belated Birthday!
Love the soothing lavender color of you blog. :)

maggie said...

happy birthday! have fun!

web development said...

Belated Happy Birthday!!i missed it by one day.The arrangements look fabulous.Hope you had a great time.Let us know about your celebrations.

The Mind of a Mom said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you! Im sorry I missed your day I hope it was the best ever!