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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back In Time

One of the most treasured activities for children is talking about themselves. Kids love to hear stories of their birth, stories of their big moments, anything about themselves, really. Sometimes telling those same old stories can get a bit boring to us parents. As an alternative, try telling a few stories about yourself. You might be surprised at how much your child will enjoy learning about your life as a child.

Some things to consider discussing:

Your favorite activities when you were little, especially when you were the age that your child is now.
Your favorite foods when you were little.
Your favorite toys...
Your favorite games...
Your best friends....
Your school memories...
Your most embarrassing moments...
Your happiest moments...
The things you didn't like about being that particular age...

The list could go on and on, but I think you probably get the idea. Take some time tonight to share yourself with your children.


Veronica Lee said...

My boys love hearing stories of my childhood!

Have a nice day!

Alice Law said...

Very true! My girl loves to lesten to stories about her, specially during birth and delivery!:) However, when I told her about my story, she has very little interest for it!:(

Petula said...

Yes, I've noticed that the kids loving hearing any little thing about me in "the old days." Amber, even at 19, still likes the old stories. It's fun sharing and teaching time.