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Monday, September 15, 2008

New Addition

I've added a new blog to my Sites to See list. I was blog hopping through some of my regular readers' read list and found Hidden Haven Homestead. While I don't have a lot of time for pleasure reading these days (Mom - I need... Mom - I want.... Mom - Can you get...) I did enjoy reading about the very special weather forecaster over at the Homestead. I just had to add this to my list so I can remember to keep checking on her site and reading about all she does.

I wanted to share it with my other regular readers, too. You may find you enjoy reading about life on a homoestead.


ParentingPink said...

I'll be sure to check out this new site. I always love reading other moms blogs & finding new ones!

Petula said...

Hi! How are you? How are you feeling? ... Okay, yes I am up to something. I tagged you, but don't me mad! It's kind of fun... okay, only if you have time! :D

How's the baby today?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom

I love Peggy's blog! Whenever I need a little pick me up I hop on to the Homestead and can always be guaranteed of a smile.

Peggy said...

thank you so much for recommending my blog. being a mom, grandmom,wife,and homesteader I don't always have time to post but when I do its from the heart and with the goats there is always something going on around here. Fred the turkey weather guy is still 100% LOL