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Saturday, May 10, 2008

What a week.

Well, I'm still suffering through 2 year molars.

Last night, both the baby girls stayed at Grandma Janet's house in hopes that I would get some much needed sleep because I had not slept a full night since Sunday. I came home from delivering them only to find a miserable Randall with a fever of 101. His fever raged all night, even through the Tylenol and Motrin. He slept most of the night, but tossed and turned and wimpered. The only other symptoms were aches and pains of the flu like variety.

Guess who spent most of the night checking on him every time he tossed or turned or wimpered? I was pretty worried about him, though, because he rarely gets sick and this was the first time he's been this sick since we met ten years ago.

His fever broke around 6:00AM and he was okay most of the day until about 6:00PM when the fever returned. He's sleeping pretty peacefully now, so perhaps tonight will be better.

Anyways, I will resume posting on Monday. With tomorrow being Mother's Day, I don't plan to be on the computer very much.

I hope everybody is having a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear he is feeling like yuck! Get well soon Randall :o)

Petula said...

Oh my! I hope you've gotten some sleep by now!