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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just a Short Update

Kira is doing well. She has been mostly pain free for two days.

We did have to take her to get her hair cut today because it was so badly tangled from our stay in the hospital. She now has a very short pixie cut. Think Tink - Tinkerbell, that is - and you'll have a really good idea of what her hair looks like now. Yes, I cried and cried. I have invested a great deal of time and energy into her long and healthy hair. It was gone in less than ten minutes.

Grandma Janet took us to dinner tonight and Kira really enjoyed being out of the house.

We also went to Wal-Mart and, much to my amazement, Kira spent an hour wheeling herself around the store. She quickly learned how to maneuver herself to turn in a specific direction and back up when necessary. She refused to let me push her even when she was getting tired.

She is apparantly much stronger than I am because she's adjusting to this new life much easier than I have.


Anonymous said...

Has she asked if she gets to keep the chair forever?? :o) It's good to hear she is adjusting so well.

Mom said...

No, she hasn't. We've spent some time talking about how her Granny had a wheelchair and how her Granny showed her how to move the wheels back when she was still alive. Kira has also expressed a great deal of emotion over Granny now, telling us how much she loves and misses her.

I think growing up with Granny and Granny's wheelchair has actually made this transition easier for her.

She also understands that the cast is only temporary and will be gone in a few short weeks.

Petula said...

Kids are so resilient. I am glad she is adjusting!