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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monetize Your Blog

Don't we all want to make a little extra money?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could do that by just doing what you do anyways?

I've noticed that many of my blogging friends have been talking about how to make extra money through their blog. Well, I'm a member of where I write articles for pay. One of my friends on triond wrote an article about making money on blogs. Well, I like the article and the videos so much that I feel the need to share this with you.

Take some time to visit the article - Blog Monetization: How to Wring Money From Your Blog - and watch the videos and such. You may find something useful. I know I have found these videos to be useful.


Unknown said...

Hi Shaunalynn,
I noticed that you have an article about homeschooling. I just wrote a blog piece on this at my blog:
because I homeschooled my two children.

Your blog looks like it's full of good tips and insights.

Thanks for the mention of my Triond article.

Petula said...

I've been wanting to try this out... I guess I'll check it out soon.

Petula said...

I've been wanting to try this out... I guess I'll check it out soon.