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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Money Making

I've been thinking for a while about how I can take my artistic talent and put it to good use. I have a great deal of artistic energy with no real useful outlet.

Well, my dear readers, I have come up with a few ideas. You get to be my critique committee. Don't you feel so lucky? I've decided that I may be able to turn that energy into cold hard cash, well, at least a little bit anyways.

First, I'm going to start making gift baskets to sell. I believe there is a good market for this type of product. However, in order for me to succeed I need to get the word out about my new venture. I will be posting pictures soon for you to review and pass the word around about. If you know anybody who would be interested in ordering a custom made basket for a special gift, please send them my way. I have experience in making gift baskets

Second, I crochet baby blankets. I believe I'll start trying to make those and sell them, too.

Third, I make hand made purses. Some of you even have a purse or two. Did you notice how I included an extra purse for you since you all had to wait so long to get your prize? Feel free to tell all your friends where it came from and how to order their very own. I have multiple designs and colors and no two purses are ever exactly alike since they were all made by hand by me. (Now that you have it in your possession, perhaps you could tell me what you would be willing to pay for something of that nature if you saw it at a craft show... )

Fourth, I would like to try to venture into scrapbook services for those moms who want their memories preserved in a scrapbook but have no time or artistic energy to devote to such a task.

You may wonder why I'm posting all this here. I know I have many regular readers who know and love me and will be more than willing to help me spread the word. I also know that you will give me honest feedback on the realistic nature of my plans. If you don't think it will work, you will tell me. (You will, won't you?)


Anonymous said...

I say go for it. If you enjoy making/doing it there's probably someone out there that would like buying it. With Etsy and whatnot there is pretty much no risk involved as well. I've been looking at it myself. :)