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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Frozen Pencils

I discovered this new idea in the book Razzle Dazzle Doodle Art. I picked this book up at the library and started browsing to see what new ideas I might be able to come up with for the girls.
This is one of the ideas that struck me. I haven't tried it, yet, but I will be doing this very soon.


Get one of those frozen juice cans that the concentrated juice comes in.

Fill the can with water and freeze.

After the "pencil" is completely frozen, peel away the paper a little at a time to "sharpen" your child's pencil. Let them use this pencil to draw on the sidewalk, the side of the house, or whatever they want to draw on outside. The pencil will be large enough that it won't melt too terribly quickly.

If you want colored pencils, you could always add food coloring before you put them in the freezer.

You could probably use plastic freezer bags instead of juice cans. I'm not sure. I'll be doing some experimentation with this one for certain.

If anybody has ever tried this before, or if you decide to try it now that you've read about it here, please let me know how well it works.


Memories Of Mine said...

I can see the kids licking their pencils on a hot day.

I am sure they will think they have the cleverest mom love this fun idea.