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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Walk this way

What do you do when you are at your wits-end with a child that would rather be in front of the television or computer instead of playing sports?

Go for a walk...

I hear you saying "What SoccerMom, are you serious?" You are a guest here and you are using Mom's space and telling us to go for a walk?" Yep, I sure I am. Go walk ~ turn off the electronics after you finish this post and reading my blog and enjoy! :o)

Now I don't want you to go for a boring walk where the kids will be asking are we there yet or can we go home, you are going to need a special friend for your fun walk. By special friend I am meaning someone fun, furry and has four legs.

You don't need to have a dog of your own you can borrow a dog from a neighbor, a friend or even head on over to your local SPCA. They always need someone to help walk the dogs. This way you can not only have your child out and exercising you will be teaching your children about responsibility and the importance of giving back to the community. I can guarantee you will definitely be making a furry friend happy.

If you have a dog and you think this is not going to thrill my child, turn your walk into a game. Your furry friend will be sniffing everything so play a game along the way like your furry friend; Can you smell the grass, the flowers, the sky? Or can you see a red house, a blue car, a bunny etc...?? Maybe collect items to make a craft with or take some sidewalk chalk and trace things along the way.

Here are some other things to do ~

1. Throw a ball back and forth

2. Go to a park where there is circuit or station training

3. Bring a voice recorder for the noises

4. See how long you can walk while balancing an object on your hand or head

5. Bring a Frisbee to toss

6. Reflect on your/their day

7. Dance, skip or march

8. Count different birds or animals that you see

9. Find shapes in clouds

10. Play follow the leader

Once you start to think of things to do on your walk your kids will love it.

If you have more then one child who is not so sports inclined and you want to get them out, you can use the time as their quality time with you. Make it special, make it fun and you will find in a few years they will reflect back and let you know how much fun they had.
Okay go get your shoes
See you back here or at my blog later.

Have fun