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Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Smart Toy Box

LearningRx sent me their recent newsletter with some really great information. One of the articles, Smart Mom's Toy Box, is really quite interesting. I highly recommend that you read it.

In the article, the author addresses ways to build a brain-active toy box for your child to help improve their cognitive skills. Here's a small excerpt from the article that indicates what you need to consider when creating you child's "Smart Toy Box." Be sure to visit the link to read the entire article. LearningRx specializes in finding and correcting the root of learning problems. If you think (or know) that your child has certain learning difficulties, you might find some useful information to help you improve your child's learning.

Things to Keep in Mind

* A smart toy box will focus on all major learning skills
* Parents can help their kids get smarter at any age
* Brain research shows the brain continues to grow throughout life
* Parents should help prepare a good learner for school by developing learning skills
* Parents should take 30 minutes, 3 times a week to work on developing these skills
* The best way to strengthen learning skills is to use fun, game-like activities
* Studies show that reading problems can be prevented.


Petula said...

This is very interesting. Good information. I've noticed the different ways my two middle children learn (haven't figured out the younger one yet) and I need to incorporate techniques like this to help them.

One with many names said...

Good advice.

vange said...

I didn't click the link (cuz I'm lazy) but I will tell you, anything incorporating the senses is good, especially for kids who have difficulties. Tracing letters in pudding or grains of dry rice, for example, works better than a pencil/crayon and paper. Tactile exercises are very effective.