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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gardasil Warning Video

I just watched this video over at BetterSpines. I've been watching the research and the events surrounding the issues about Gardasil and the other vaccine like it.

While I like the presentation of this particular video, I would urge parents to do their own in depth research before making the decision of whether to get this vaccine for your child.

Edited to Add: My purpose with sharing this video is more about opening the discussion. I'm not on a political or personal agenda. I just want to hear what other people think.


vange said...

She's a crackpot with a degree in JOURNALISM.

Mom said...

Hey Vange. Nice to see you.

JAS said...

I have been concerened about this and my pediatrician has told me to wait and see how things go. I think more time and research need to go into the results.

Memories Of Mine said...

I think she went a bit over the top with her scare tactics. Yes 32 people have died but more the 24 million treatments have been distributed world wide.

She is right however about a regular pap test as cervical cancer is slow growing so if you keep up regular check up cancer can be prevented.

Would I give my daughter it? Not a 9 years of age. (way to young)

They don't hand it out here in Australia until high school.

Mom said...

Jas - My girls are still too little to be concerned. By the time they are old enough, there will be much more information.

Liss - She does go a bit overboard with the scare tactics. She's very well spoken, though. When combined with other research and personal experience videos, this is a good discussion to take into consideration.

My purpose with sharing this video is more about opening the discussion. I'm not on a political or personal agenda. I just want to hear what other people think.

Acadia said...

without actually having watched the video, I would have to say that the lamp looks suspicious.

dihan said...

Hy ..u have nice blog
care to link exchange?

Mom said...

dihan - I'm glad you like my site here. I appreciate the offer to exchange links. However, I only post links on my site that are hand selected. I don't do link exchanges. Feel free to link back to me if you wish. :-)

The Mind of a Mom said...

Okay lady here talks about the girls dying but she did not talk about if these girls/women were healthy or if they had underlying health issues before they took the shots. She needs to tell ALL the facts and ALL the sides of a story before she decides it is her job to talk woman/girls out of a shot. I think her message was dangerous yet it was disguised to sound like she cared. It's people like her that are the reason why we have a resurgence of disease we through had been obliterated.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Well, I had thought that it was being pushed pretty hard. That always makes me a little concerned.

Mom said...

@Sharkbytes - It is being pushed very hard. My pediatrician is already discussing it, and my girls are only 3 and 5...