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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I recently picked up a booklet of coupons that had this really cool recipe inside - Candy Sushi Rolls.

I just had to find some pictures and share this with all my wonderful readers. I will absolutely be making this for the girls one day soon.

Here is the recipe: (I found the recipe and photo online at Family Fun.)


1/4 cup butter
4 cups mini marshmallows
6 cups crisped rice cereal
20 to 25 gummy worms
1 to 2 boxes fruit leather


Grease a 12- by 17-inch baking sheet. Melt butter in a 2-quart saucepan over medium heat. Add the marshmallows and stir until smooth.

Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the rice cereal until it's evenly coated. Turn the baking sheet so that the shorter ends are at the top and bottom. Then press the marshmallow mixture onto the sheet, distributing it evenly.

Starting at one side an inch up from the lower edge, place gummy worms atop the mixture end to end in a hortizontal line. Gently roll the lower edge of the marshmallow mixture over the gummy worms.

Then stop and cut the log away from the rest of the mixture. Use the same method to form 4 more logs. Slice each log into 1-inch-thick "sushi" rolls and wrap them individually with a strip of fruit leather.


I did read on another site that these should be eaten the same day you make them because the fruit wrappers get sticky over night.


Diff.Thinkr said...

Wonder what it tastes like

Victoria said...

These are super cute.

Admin T.H said...

yummy I rather buy then made as very lazy :) the rice is expensive too I mean for sushi

Unknown said...

What a great idea. There are so many cool and creative snacks out there these days :)
Thanks for sharing!

Beth (Margie and Edna's Basement) said...

This is a really cute idea, I love it!