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Friday, October 2, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccines

Here are a couple of interesting videos that discuss the safety of the Swine Flu vaccine. I'm just sharing...


Petula said...

Mandatory?! That second video is even more interesting than the first. I had already decided before seeing either of these that I wasn't going to vaccinate myself or my children. I've never done the flu vaccine and I don't plan on it now. Vaccines, as a whole, make me very nervous!

Thanks for telling me about the other video.

Nedekcir said...

When they it mandatory you really have to ask yourself why. My family is well aware of what they are doing and if they knock in our door and forces us with this thing blood will shed and hopefully not ours.

They are playing god, and they should to hell for it.

Thanks for putting this out for public to see.

Stacie said...

Mandatory or not my child is NOT getting the vaccine. Makes me sick how the rush things out on the market like this. Don't get me wrong I believe vaccines can be a good thing. But this shot I think is being to rushed out on the market.

Memories Of Mine said...

It's already available here in Australia. I don't know anyone who has had it nor will my family be having it. But I also wouldn't take tami flu which is what they were handing out months ago to help control swine flu.

Lidian said...

That is really interesting...I have one child who had an allergic reaction to the flu shot one year so we are taking her to the allergist and NOT rushing to get these. They need to test all this stuff WAY more, I think.

Jordasche Bledsoe said...

I'm not getting this and neither is my son.