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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Get Out...


I just want to say that I am so glad that both of the girls are now old enough to be kicked out of the house.

Yes - you read that right. I kick my 3 yr old and 5 yr old out of the house. (SHE IS SO STILL THREE YEARS OLD! At least til Saturday...when I will begrudgingly admit that she has gained a year.... very begrudgingly.)

Now that they are both older and fairly well capable of obeying a couple of simple rules and boundaries, I find that there is a great deal of joy in sending them out into the yard to play.

**Mind you, the yard is fenced so they aren't wandering off to the road, and if they happen to be playing outside the fence, they have a very strict set of boundaries and know very well that failure to adhere to those boundaries will mean that they no longer have the freedom of playing outside alone. **

I do feel that the yard is a wonderful asset for parents and children.

They get to be out on their own and enjoy the independence of playing without me hovering.

I get to do a bit of housework without tripping over little people (or play on the computer without the constant chatter of little people - which is what I am most likely to do).

They get to put their imaginations to good work, creating their own games and their own adventures in a yard that is filled with lots of places to go adventuring.

I get the benefit of two little girls who become very sleepy by the end of the day.

Now that the weather is warmer, I try to kick them out of the house most days. Of course, they are never all that resistant to being kicked out...


Petula said...

I'm definitely with you on this one. I love kicking mine out with the rules. I wish I had an entirely fenced in yard both back and front, but not to keep the children in to keep the other children out! LOL

The Mind of a Mom said...

When we were kids we would be outside all the time! I kick mine out when they were young all the time, the yard was fenced and they had a blast being outside! I hope they had a blast said...

From your post you really sound very relieved.It was a nice and detailed post.You can now get to do your personal things without having to bother about the kids.They can keep themselves busy now.Look forward to hearing from you soon again.

web development services said...

From your post you really sound very relieved.It was a nice and detailed post.You can now get to do your personal things without having to bother about the kids.They can keep themselves busy now.Moreover,you are assured they are safe due to the fencing.Look forward to hearing from you soon again.