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Saturday, April 19, 2008


I'm supposed to post a new craft idea today.

I suppose I could try to convince you that mixing various colors of sand is a very artistic experiment, but ultimately you just get a big box of mixed up sand.

Perhaps I could tell you that arranging toys in such a way as to convince passers by that they want to stop and buy them is an art, but you probably wouldn't believe me.

I really have a problem today because I am so tired and just not feeling very artsy. It is difficult to come up with a decent art project when you are so tired that the mere concept of art time with a small child is comparable to the terror one feels when faced with visiting Disney with small children and no other adult to help you out.

I think I'll just tell you about an interesting experiment instead, if I can get my thoughts together clearly enough to explain how to do it.

I got this project out of The Toddler Busy Book.

What you need:

Ice Cube Tray
Food coloring - yellow, blue, red
Ziploc Baggies

What you do:

Fill the ice tray with water and then use food coloring to color the cubes before you freeze them. You need to make sever cubes of each color, so you may need extra ice trays or just a couple of days to acquire all your ice cubes.

After you have your cubes, take a baggie and put one yellow cube and one blue cube inside. Let your child watch what happens as the cubes melt.

Do the same thing with yellow and red ice cubes, and blue and red ice cubes.

Let your child see that when you mix these colors together you get an entirely different color. You can also add more cubes to each new color to see how the color will change when you add something different.

What will happen if you add one red, one blue, and one yellow to one baggie? I don't know, but I think I'll have to find out --- when I'm not so darn tired.