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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Adult Children

Well, I got a big surprise this weekend. My Angel went and got married shortly after her 18th birthday. She didn't tell me because she was afraid I would be angry and lecture her. Gee, it isn't like she wasn't old enough to do this without my approval - RIGHT?

Well, it turns out that the place they were living is really not a healthy environment. So, being such an amazing mom / aunt - we are letting her and her husband move in here. We laid some ground rules and they both agreed to our rules. After we get all their belongings moved in, we will begin the job hunting for both of them and start helping them get themselves ready to be on their own.

I have a friend who was astounded that I would allow her to come back. We were both raised that when you leave the nest, you don't try to come back later. I think the way my parents raised me for the most part was wrong, so I refuse to adhere to their practices and ideas.

Welcome home, Angel (and her new baggage - ahem - husband).


Anonymous said...

Congradulations, maybe??!!
You are a good Mom/Aunt for supporting her it sounds like that is what she needs.

Anonymous said...

Home is always home. As long as everyone understands the rules (and as long as the rules are reasonable), a temporary stay by adult children trying to get on their feet is just fine.

The problem is when adult children don't want to grow up - they want to have mommy and daddy do everything for them.

Memories Of Mine said...

I wish them the best of luck. Hopefully they find their feet soon. You are a very supportive Mum / Aunt. It must be a comforting for Angel to know you are there for her.