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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Art for the day

In honor of my visit to the aquarium, I'm going to tell you how to make your very own fish art.

For this project you will need the following items:

Goldfish snack crackers, preferably the multi-colored kind
Froot Loops, sort out all the blue ones
White card stock paper
Crayons or markers

Start by crushing up the blue froot loops into a sandy powder. (You can opt for blue sand instead, but that's far more expensive.)

Spread glue on the bottom part of your paper (horizontal, not vertical) and then sprinkle the sand over the glue to make you water.

Let your child pick his fish from the Goldfish snacks. Make sure none of them are broken.

Carefully place a drop or two of glue on the back of the Goldfish and then place the Goldfish in the water portion of the picture.

Let your child draw a picture above the water to complete your project.

You can also add other things like pieces of sponge or starfish to the bottom of the ocean floor. Small pebbles make good rocks for the bottom of the ocean.


Lisa Petrarca said...

Very creative, I'll need to forward this to my sister who still has little one's she's trying to keep busy this summer, while maintaining her sanity, LOL!

Keep all the great ideas coming. and have a great weekend!

Petula said...

That sounds so cute.