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Monday, August 18, 2008

The Power of the Tent

A few sheets and chairs can turn whiny, bored children into avid explorers.

All you need to do is pull a few chairs together and drape some sheets across the top. Your children will suddenly perk up and stop being whiny. They will drag pillows, blankets, and animals into their tent and disappear for hours.

You will still hear giggling and talking, but you won't see much of them.

If you're really creative, you can serve up lunch in their tent by setting up a grazing tray that can easily be slid under one of the chairs.

Your tent can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. If you get the entire living room furniture involved, your tent will be a certain hit that will need to stay in place for a couple of days so your children can get the fullest possible benefit.

So, if you're out of ideas for entertaining those little monsters - build a tent.

Oh - and just as a side note - I've tried buying the prefab tents that set up easily in the house. Those don't work. Apparently chairs and sheets are far more exciting than a prefab play tent.